Be the diver everyone wants to follow and make your sense of direction legendary with the PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty course.
When everyone’s buzzing about a reef or checking out a wreck, they’re having a great time...until it’s time to go. Then they turn to you, because as a PADI Underwater Navigator, you know the way back to the boat.
Underwater navigation can be challenging, but in the PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty course, you master the challenge.
You will learn the tools of the trade, including navigation via natural clues and by compass. You will also learn to estimate distance underwater, follow navigation patterns and know where you are while following an arbitrary, irregular course using the Nav-Finder.
Number of Dives: Three
Learn navigation patterns, natural and compass navigation & dive site relocation
Certification counts toward the PADI Master Scuba Diver rating
Classes are conducted on Wednesday evenings from 6-9 PM at First Coast Divers.
Must be a PADI Open Water Diver (or qualifying certification from another organization)